Sell Your Home This Fall

Prepare To Sell Your Home This Fall

Is it time to sell your home? Then now is the time to start preparing!

September is here, and even though its still technically Summer (and 90 degrees!) people are looking forward to cooler temperatures, and if they have to move, they want to do it before the holiday season.

Become the market mogul

Start watching what’s happening in the real estate market to get a feel for what prices are doing. Once you find a REALTOR®, they can help with this. Our local market doesn’t always follow national trends, so don’t always believe the national sound bites on the news 😉

Work on curb appeal

Clean up your yard, and clear out any dead plants or flowers. Flowers may have a hard time blooming over summer, so try refreshing your flower beds closer to fall and check what is seasonal. Don’t forget to clean out your gutters in preparation for Fall and Winter weather.

No more procrastinating repairs!

Now is the time to fix anything that has broken over the years. Check the HVAC system, leaky faucets etc… the more you fix the more likely you are to sell your home quickly. Now is a great time to take care of those exterior repairs – the weather is still warm enough for paint to dry properly.

Be pumpkin spice & everything nice

Start decorating for Fall inside – and your front porch if you have decor already. Just a few small touches here and there can make a big difference. Things like a cozy fall colored blanket or pillows, or some cute decorations. Don’t overdo it, but a few touches here and there will add to the feeling of comfort in your home.

Get Lit

Showings often happen later in the day, and with days getting shorter, it is possible that people will be leaving a showing after dark. Use a combination of natural light and strategic artificial lighting to ensure that there is adequate lighting to see from the road and driveway to the front door – and around the back yard. Safety is important! Take some time to make sure your outdoor lights are all functioning properly.

Tell the family now

Start preparing your family. Have them go through their things and pack up items they don’t need for the next few months, or donate items they no longer need. Starting packing early will help later when you have to move out SOON.

Declutter & paint

While you are packing up items, take some time to deep clean. This is often the best thing you can do to sell your home – get it REALLY clean and take care of any repairs! Also take the time to do any touch-up paint inside before photos are taken.

Find your Real Estate partner

Start interviewing REALTORS® to find the one that you feel most comfortable with. It is important to feel that you can reach out to them with questions, and that they understand your local market. You may have to talk with a few to find the perfect fit, and that’s OK! The important thing is that you feel comfortable with your real estate agent.

Fall is a great time to sell your home. Our local market is slowing down some (it always does in August), but there are still buyers looking for their new home. Will it be yours?

If you are in the Grand Junction area, I would love to chat with you about the sale of your home. Give me a call or send me an email to schedule a time to meet.

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